
Thursday, 29 December 2016

Wild Predictions

Predictions are spinning out of control. People once coined crack pots are now getting a voice in reputable publications such as time magazine. This journalist guy thinks the price will hit $3000 USD. Ironically this is where I first found out about bitcoin. My mum sent me the article.

Some people think it will go higher to $40000 and the media, with little better to report are picking up on this amongst the steep increase in the price of bitcoin over the last 6 months. I have even made my own predictions in this blog.
Though I'm confident that bitcoin won't go away and will go up over time, I'm not too interested in this spin. It would be great if the general public actually started using bitcoin for spending and not just seeing dollar signs. It is actually a much easier and more convenient way to buy online and even makes a slick and cost-effective point of sale for your local shop or service person.

The Simul-Buy

This is it, The power of coordination seems to be taking effect. Bitcoin purchase volumes in China are at record highs. Are people realising the advantage of non-political money to a united world? 

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Giving Bitcoin for Christmas

So many of us are last minute shoppers, why not put some bitcoin under the tree?
It's much more intriguing than fiat money. I found my family really appreciated it. Wth the recent increase in value they all thank me two fold. When I try and encourage them to spend it they all say "no I want holding on to mine, It's a good savings account." I am afraid I have seeded a new generation of Christmas bitcoin hodlers. This year they might have to get litecoin instead.

Friday, 16 December 2016

I Cry for ChangeTip

It's not hard to see why ChangeTip had to shut down. They didn't charge anything so it's pretty clear that they must have been getting quite poor and hungry after coding for all these years. The charity gift/ social bribery/ online begging and busking economy just isn't that lucrative as yet. Someone really needs to do something with that code though, it's just so easy to use. Maybee in good crypto tradition it will become open source.

Never fear though we have Brave, a new, super-speedy add blocking auto bitcoin tipping browser, and ProTip, a Chrome extension which can work automatically and has social functions basically like ChangeTip. With these new apps all you have to do to get paid (or potentially accept small donations once in a blue moon) is to spurge one of these on your page.

Bit me,

Browse faster and safer w

Price Hits $800 USD

I have been busy moving house lately so haven't had much time to write or draw. Bitcoin has been keeping busy too with the price building on a solid uptrend and now hitting over $800 USD on OK Coin and BTCC. It's a sunny dey in Tauranga and a pretty good outlook for our bits.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Rickshaws Bitcoin Revolution

I've been reading "The City of Joy" recently and this cartoon seems appropriate given the latest cash crunch in India. Hopefully these unbanked people cam find a smart phone and download a bitcoin wallet. Its free to download and recieve money/bitcoins person to person. There are no denomination limits either, just dont drop your phone in the water without backing it up!