
Saturday 27 April 2024

Watered Down AI Personalities

Autonomous Interpersonal Regulation - Parallel AI Generated Personas

Imagine with AI you can generate an online version of your self that has its view and temperament watered down or vulgarly concentrated. This could appeal to different streams of audience and be targeted at each. The audiences would not be aware that they were receiving the media, text, audio and audio visual that was run through this system and your overall influence would be greatly enhanced. 

It already happens, people create separate promotion streams formulaically that are targeted at different groups of people. In music and film people change what is cut in and out of clips and what filter they use. In songs, they change out the country or city for your local city, someone is standing in a music studio booth singing every city in the world into a microphone and the producer is just using code to make all the different versions of pop hits and labelling them so they fit right into Spotifys exploitation databases. How much more of this would happen if AI did it all for you and so you didn't have to feel ridiculously desperate in the process.

I think this is happening and it is best we get our heads around it. There can be many versions of you diluted by AI, there can be many versions of famous people running in parallel. We see this happening now for political figures, with different add campaigns for different voters and using AI to generate this and even though this may already be having a major impact, I think it is just the beginning. It could start getting into how your children present themselves on social media. our interpersonal relationships, already influenced by a digital algorithmic filter, are getting another filter layered on top of AI controlled somewhat by you, but also autonomous.

More to the point interpersonal relationships are very important to us and like a drug , they are addictive. This is where dilution, hilariously and ironically comes into play. The dose causes toxicity, frequently applied in medicine also applies in interpersonal relationships. Toxic maxi's have felt this, trying to orange pill everyone they can and being told they are too intense. Dilution seems to be a powerful concept for manipulation. Hard drugs are watered down to ease people in and get them addicted. 

I think the AI versions are less human, not as beautiful and not to be trusted. The danger is that people don't notice that part of what they are getting and just feel comforted by the dilution that fits their tolerance. We can't let our tolerance for toxic personalties to drop. Our capacity for regulating our interpersonal relationships is important and I think we will need to hold on to if.

On that note this goes out unedited, sorry.

Friday 19 April 2024

Happy Halving! Sorry I'M COMING BACK

It has longer than normal between my posts over the last year. To be honest I have had second thought about whether to keep up publishing my thoughts and cartoons. There is so much happening in bitcoin and with some other secret projects and things providing more profit I have been focusing there. For instance family and eToro. having a lot of success there and if you are not copying me already, now is the time.

It often seems that these thoughts just disapere into the void and nobody hears them. Also it is hard to just push out stuff and not get it to the standard I want. Tonight though, looking out the window as we do every 4 years in bitcoin I think that there has been great value in putting down thoughts for me personally and also seeing how many of you are viewing on a regular basis and the comments, I think it makes a significant impact. 

I have over 300 posts made now and 92 sitting in draft waiting to be finished. The ones in draft are also normally the hard long, work intensive ones, so a bit to look forward to there.

In the future it would be great for it to be a more collaborative project and for it to be on nostr, for better monetisation and freedom. Let me know what you think? More cartoons? I think I will do more cartoons! We need a halving one. or is it "halvening"?

For now I recommend to ring in the new 4 year era. 

Dreaming on this chart.. again .. red could stay over the blue.

And off course stacking as hard as you can!

Here are some of the previous posts made around halving halvenings   whatever.
ps I don't think that old wallet qr is active, just use waletano