For all this talk about core and classic and coding consensus. Talk about a lack of consensus leading to downward pressure on the price, talk about transaction taking 40 minutes, I've had been using bitcoin more than ever in the last few weeks and haven't had any problems. It seems clear to me that people are thoroughly invested and prepared to solve any problems that may arise in the future. In depth talk about the need for consensus may be syndrome of anxiety that seems so common in our modern society. Bitcoiners tend to be very sensitive, normal people have bigger things to worry about.
The idea of consensus does bring a new concept spring to mind. With so much energy focused on it how would we fair if we aimed for a pricing consensus.
Volatility in price has been a major issue for bitcoin adoption. People do hesitate to invest in something that can move so wildly. This volatility has been reducing with the price hovering around the $400 USD level for 2016. If we could agree to hold the price at this level we would create value and aid adoption of bitcoin.
This is something all traders can actively have a hand in, something that we can actually control relatively easily. It also feels now that holding a floor of $400 USD (or 2500 Yuan) would not be difficult. Neither would creating a long term average of $500 USD (or 3000 Yuan). These are useful and commanding numbers. When you tell newbies about them they feel like it is strong and significant.
The moon is a always very tempting when it come in to sight however the purpose of this in devour would not be profit but for the unity. Something akin to the whale club but one that actively encourages stability. As the group grows there will be a great sense of community and once established the effect on the price action will be empowering to those who are involved.
Share this post and help hold the value stable at these levels with your trading. This will help build community and promote adoption. Shareable poster images are on my profile. With people power we can create stability. By developing price consensus we may even get more stability than the currencies we are comparing to!