
Tuesday 9 July 2019

There is No Early

Max Hillebrand interviews a guy named Boris here and they have a good chat about psychological effects of growing personal wealth of Bitcoiners in society. Missing out, victim hood politics and toxic bullshit. As the price hits 13000 USD again its starting to feel impossible for new comers to get a whole bitcoin and feel like they are get ahead in comparison to early adopters. Inequality starts to appear in a way that the invention of bitcoin is supposed to prevent. My thoughts are that there really is no early adopter advantage there is only acting in the now. At the time it was risky and now it is more safe. Saving for the future is always hard in the now and you only need to put away what you can. There was a time when it was cheap in the past and then there is now. Bitcoin is not designed to end, but even now we can't be sure what the future holds. So in many ways it's much the same as it always was. 

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