
Saturday 15 August 2015

How Cool is Litecoin!

Little sister litecoin has been growing up. A group of users have come together and created 100 new jobs in Madagascar and offset the electricity used by the network with litecoin donations! It is so cool to think that an app on your computer, so easy to use could be so powerful on a world wide scale.

Litecoin is a parallel system to bitcoin which runs on a very similar program. Some parameters have been changed which allow for faster transactions and easier CPU mining and network maintenance.  For more information can be found here. the good thing about lite coin is you know the protocol is solid as its almost identical to bitcoins. It's also been around for quite a while, since 2011. The originator, Charls Lee is actually a real person and he's pretty chill. A litecoin was never intended to be worth as much as a bitcoin, its more of a peoples currency.

As with many altcoins, when you look at litecoin you see the rickety, thrown together web sites and web articles. Its an exciting time warp for someone who can remember the initial stages of bitcoin. It gives me the warm fuzzies and make me feel a bit nostalgic, you can play a significant role if you contribute here. Its not taken over by celebrities and corporate types like some might say bitcoin is becoming.

What does this mean for the futurists? In recent weeks the price sky rocketed in a boom reminiscent of a bitcoin boom in 2012. Mr USD is now getting out smoked by litecoin. The price hit $8! If it goes the same way as bitcoin then you could make an early retirement on this. If you look at the charts you can see its on the rise.

Sites like Bitroad, where you can buy electronics with bitcoin and litecoin are awesome! Litecoin works well along side bitcoin as a payment option as it gives you a better perspective of the price. when something costs 0.1 bitcoins it feels weird but when next to it is say 50LTC you kinda feel more at home. I like having the option.

The physical coins that just came out are looking super slick in silver. The reddit page is mint. Also the mining asic's mining rigs look pretty cool and might actually pay off on a small scale. It makes a good way to get into mining and find out what crypto-currency started from and what its all about. After the recent price hikes I feeling like getting some more of this digital ice. A bit of that cyber-punk night walking, cord hacking, forum scrolling, computer coding, basement whurling underground stuff.  Hey if you can't get the crypto gold why not try some silver? Its fun to be on the fringe and its amazing what these little things can achieve.

1 comment:

  1. So looking at the stats it seems that litecoin is popular in Italy!
