
Friday, 10 June 2022

PoW and PoS are the New Left and Right

PoW, short for Proof of Work and POS, short for Proof of Stake, have become a political in the bitcoin crypto space.The consensus mechanisms of the protocols be fundamental to the structures and cultures they create. This is completely different to our existing political systems in one way, we are talking about autonomous computer algorithms but in another it echos the past. 

In proof of work the concept of and primary importance of work to society, this relates quite closely to what was the Labour movement or traditional left wing politics that primarily aimed to support the working person. For those in the united states its a little more fuzzy, but this is supposed to be like the current Democrats.  

Politics has become an ugly subject, corrupt to the core if you ask me, but on the right we have conservative parties of various objectives, but they generally hold the protection of property rights among their highest priority. Referring to the  Tories, National, or the Republican parties you can see that your traditional voter demographic shareholders and land owners.

Not so recently this fulcrum has begun to break down, I would argue that workers are realising that PoS type politics aren't helping them and that left wing parties are not really PoW. Both sides of politics have let money be corrupted, not balancing budgets and printing new money for themselves or certain coercive powers in times of need. This it was though had little to do with these primary tenants of worker and property rights, however in reality bitcoiners know that monetary policy is at its core. They can see this thing in politics as altcoin behaviour "PoS Shitcoinery" something in crypto that is considered just a continuation of old corrupting systems.

Why is it that people think the system of value (ie the monetary system) is so disconnected from the system of values (ie the way we form our society)? It's complex and it stinks so people don't want to talk about it but this had lead us to the uniformed nightmare that I think we see today. Bitcoiners know these things are inextricably connected. When you value work in your society you get things done and you get honour and dignity for many. When you value ownership it is not as clear what you get, ownership is more subjective than work and can be manipulated more easily through force and coercion. Work must be carried out by an individual, where ownership requires agreement of the public to enforce. Without property rights we get some-kind of disfunctional bedlam (often people would say anarchy, but that would be offensive to anarchists). We need both things to function well, but proof of stake is a slippery slope. Rent seeking and manipulative behaviours become commonplace and anything but working is fashionable among those who can afford it lead to dysfunctional bedlam also and this time with working people becoming effectively slaves. 

So government monetary policy like printing money and deficits, things closely related to inflation, are actually a political activities. At the time it happens the politicians often say they need to do it for social reasons, but these rarely have the long term effects desired and at the same time people don't realise that it destroys the future value of labour. most everyone who is working has a contract to sell their time for money. It is set in advance and so if during the course of that contract the money becomes worth less ie inflation happens then the value of the contract is reduced by that. In addition there is an expectation of ongoing employment which is exponentially devalued. This has a major impact on people well being, probably the highest impact action, because your job and your time are the most valuable thing that a working person has. It often makes the vote for a left wing or Labour party counter intuitive if they run more inflation than their competitor. Labour is supposed to be something supported as a left wing tenant so what ever the social policy may be, often it ends up counteracting itself. 

The same happens with conservative parties with often their austerity policies. they are chosen and timed in order to protect asset values and not the worker. If assets are supported it diminishes the strength of your work, because it is comparative Ie: If your house price goes up and you're wage doesn't its the same effect as what you would get with a poorly targeted social program. Austerity occurs in a coercive and corrupt way and this allows wealthy to extend rent seeking behaviours.

Understanding that governments not balancing their books or saving money and printing money when they need it destroys the value of work and labour and this has major social implications. When people ask for austerity or spending we have to ask for who and how because often it works against us. governments to be fair actually need to save money for rainy days. It makes sense and PoW vs PoS also put a clear perspective to this. It's the new, better defined, less corrupted, left and right wing politics and maybe not in the way you expected.

Ps: Bitcoin is not political, I feel I need a disclaimer here given the content obove suggests so strongly that it might be, also....  I have a new post coming up describing how Bitcoin in practise is not completely PoW. 

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Wholesome Bitcoin Builders

If your not on bitcoin you are not helping enough. Saving bitcoin is saving the world. Spending bitcoin, especially with lightning is helping to.

Ethereum is Close to a Tipping Point


Latest comments from Vitalic are putting people on edge.

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Rouge AI Mining Robots

Not available in stores but you can buy the parts cheap in AliExpress and 3D print the rest. I found one that broke into my house and plugged itself in the other day in 2032.

PS (the Etherium merge never happened, I integrate those bots into my gaming rig, I try to catch the bitcoin ones and then flash the OS with my own)

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Worse Than Luna - Banks are Over 20x Leverage Long Their Whole Fiat Stack

With Luna and its stable coin UST crashing to near zero, Defi and digital ponzi scheme's have been in the spot light.  UST value based through a convoluted scheme on the value of Luna and an algorith to buy Bitcoin, worked great until someone with a lot of money saw that they could just sell a whole lot of Luna and Bitcoin at once whilst shorting UST. They make money on the short and can just keep adding pressure, whilst others freak out and jump on board. Something like that anyway, and its all over for people who though they had stable coins, they should have been called stable until they disappear coins. 

People generally don't comprehend the nasty position that banks have got themselves into with fractional reserve banking it is not that different to that of UST and Luna, actually it may be worse. They are just lucky they have big friends back them up in the past. 

Banks are taking deposit and loaning them out 20 times over. Giving loans to people without having funds to back it up this is like Defi based on UST (except with leverage and lower interest rates) and there is a lot of it, most people have loans for their houses, this is like shorting UST. This leverage banks against assets makes them very reliant on property and asset prices going up. If prices go up then the risk on their leverage is reduced and they get more money. If it goes down the trouble snowballs.

The traditional US dollar is what this old fashioned system works with. Like UST it needs to be held steady so that the loans and things on top of it don't get so volatile that people don't trust them. It is held up by the federal reserve which has T bills (like Luna) and also gold, let's say just in case (like USTs holdings of Bitcoin) and they can use this to defend the value of the dollar. The difference is one single person doesn't really have enough money to sell enough and short enough of these things to put the price into a death spiral.

The general public however are already short the dollar with their mortgages ( having a loan is effectively the same as beeing short). Banks are leverage long
the dollar. At the same time if loans default then banks have leveraged exposure to asset prices. So banks need asset prices to go up and the dollar to hold value, not so hot at the moment.

So the only remaining steps would be a unified public increasing mortgage debt and selling T bills and Gold. Might just happen by itself.

Monday, 23 May 2022

Simplicity Script Language Coming To Bitcoin

The complex smart contracts that are the pride of coins like etherium, cardano and solana may be coming to bitcoin soon. Apparently at Blockstream it's only two weeks away;0. It will likely be much longer, but I get the feeling it might not beat the merge. You can find more details here. You can also now run a full Liquid node with a full open source stack, one click GUI on Umbrel. this app will likely include simplicity when it is launched. SUCH WOW. So many bitcoin layer 2 projects! 

Saturday, 14 May 2022

After June or Maybe Never

Etheriums Merge is five years late but people are still putting out positive narratives about its readyness. No mention of the community node and minner processes, but still a lead developer shills his CV website and assures the minions. The etheriums hash rate continues to go up. There may be hope for cheaper graphics cards yet! Or maybe the etherium foundation is figuring out how they can cover their funds incase the whole thing blows up. Maybe it's Pulse?