
Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Bitcoin Layer 3 Can Do It All

Soon Bitcoin miners may be using the lightning network for communicating hash instead of the regular internet. Lightning is opening up the unlimited potentials we first saw at the start of the decentralised cambrian crypto moment. 

It's become clear that The lightning Network is the second truly decentralised DAO (bitcoin being the first). and that on this, we are seeing a wild new ecosystem immerge. Layer three apps.  Redphone, peer to peer phone calls, Impervious, VPN,s lightning powered Lapps, Stakwork, Next Cloud, PhotoPrim, The Umbrel app store,  to name just a few. There is culture too, check out Plebnet and Sphinxchat. Hell, we could clone Etherium again on this thing and it would be more decentralised. It's good to see things happening the right way on layer 2. The possibilities on bitcoin layer three powered by lightning are wide open.  

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

In Bitcoin 100x is Just a Few Years

To think about super wealthy people in bitcoin you might imagine someone with a super stak of say 1000 bitcoin. Turns out that is the technical term threshold for a whale. It's a wild unrealistic number to most of us now. At around 35 million bucks worth its beyond achievable with a normal work life balance. Even 10 bitcoin or 1 billion sats seems like a stretch of dreams at the moment. Certainly for people just discovering this stuff. But it wasn't soo long ago that ten bitcoin could be had for a week's wages, so in a bitcoiners mind there is a confusing new perspective here. It wasn't so long before that that a whale stak could have been had for half of your weeks wages. It is the time and not the amount that starts to become more significant.

10 years ago the price of one btc rose to surpass $1. This means basically anyone who was around at that time could afford to be a whale now. Not many people did that, but it was not the money that made it happen, it was the time.  The fact that this person held on over this time is the most significant factor. In bitcoin 100x is just 5 years and we all have time (most of us poor people anyway). Now time is worth a lot. You know the phrase, we are bringing it back, now money is only time. If you have a few years, you can be a whale.

Saturday, 12 June 2021

El Salvador!

Congratulations to the first government to wake up  Let's hope Jacinda will catch on. #NZ BTC LEGAL TENDER

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Bitcoin Lightning, The New World Computer

With Stakwork, Sphinx, RGB and so forth the bitcoin lightning network is functioning as a world computer. Etherium beware because the lightning network already runs! 1,  and 2. it is a highbred full node proof of stake network. That is full nodes are rewarded for liquidity the put on the network, and highbred because they must serve transactions to get the opt in fees.

Monday, 24 May 2021

Would you Buy an Irredeemable Bond Paying 15%?

Anyone for an annuity? Perpetual Bond? Given the Bitcoins growth over time should exceed 18% that would leave a good margin for the bond issuers. That 18% number is based on the bitcoin having and demand staying were it is. In other words the price doubling every 4 years, which I would say is the lower bound of possibilities. Historical gains in bitcoin are currently between 120% and 200% per year. 

Current annuities in New Zealand are paying out 2.7% so it would be very competitive just to get 15%..

Sunday, 16 May 2021

The Price Plus Some Sats

In the future I predict houses selling for less than there actual sale price as bitcoon is paid directly to the owner. Deliveries are sped up with extra sat sweeteners. Bitcoin tips are most appreciated. The government let's it happen so they can keep their cpi figures low. 

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Next They Will Blame Inflation on Bitcoin

First the electricity prices go through the roof and keep climbing. People say it's because of bitcoin mining and because of all the bitcoin millionares. It's not.

The cost of electricity will skyrocket in dollars, but priced in bitcoin it will be flat. Electricity prices may even start to take on characteristics of the 4 year bitcoin cycle.