It's a great mystery how people could be so motivated to build the Great Pyramids with bare hands so many thousands of years ago. With the bitcoin blockchain building to similar digital proportions, hash rate and computer farms growing across the world and a sense of permanence appearing in the code and in the blocks, a comparison to the pyramids doesn't seem so far fetched. Early bitcoin provides an element of prestige and a means of staking ones place and having ones say in history.
Could the builders of the pyramids have been individually motivated for similar reasons? If you or your family put a block into the base of a pyramid, generations after you, your grand children and their children could be motivated to also put a block on top in order to build on the legacy. The larger the block the greater the proof of work. The unmarked blocks symbolizing the dedication to the single goal of a cohesive society. Once completed the larger the pyramid the greater the proof of work.
Here's my meme. I think we need more of them, for societies sake.
<a href=""><img src="" title="made at"/></a><div><a href="https://">from Midwaycrypto blog</a></div>