There is hope however, one policy change could make a huge difference.
The world marco-economics are set up to push against the environment by encourage unnecessary consumption. This is done through a 2% inflation target in the USA and there are trillions of dollars behind it making it a formidable force. It is no wonder that we cant stop buying things we don't need.
It is obvious that monetary policy affects the economy and that this in turn affects the environment but it is not a prominent idea in mass media. Inflation make it hard not to drive your big new car to the shop and buy consumable landfill items from the other side of the world. Deflation makes it easy by providing a stronger financial intensive to spend wisely and save.
A big part of they key to our global environmental predicament could be in the math. 2% inflation = 2% more unnecessary consumption = 2% less considered investment = 2% world wide environmental destruction.
0% inflation targets make more sense and deflationary currencies like bitcoin are a solution here.