
Monday, 5 February 2018

Soo Forking Easy

You can now fork bitcoin by filling out an online form. Its easy and hilarious, you can select logo rotation, it's called forkgen.


If you havn't played this game you're not really into crypto. It's soo fun. Crypto kitties rule 20% of Etherium.

Bitcoin and Etherium Fee Flippining

Tansaction fees are down and the Bitcoin mempool is clearing. What happens if there is a transaction fee flippining, where bitcoin fees go below those of etherium?

The charts have been heading this way in the last month. Currently bitcoin on chain fees are $5.60 and etheriums are $1. Etherium does not have lightning or segwit and its Casper, Sharding and Plasma are seeing long delays. The pressure is on for Etherium in 2018.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Muslim Womens Liberation

Did you know that women can't get normal bank accounts in some countries like Saudi Arabia. At least now they can stash crypto.

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Bitcoin Gold

What will happen with the first friendly fork? After the first fork many people took the opportunity to secure their coins. Now they are hard to get at bitcoin gold may have an advantage. The price is currently$198USD and number 16 on the list and at least the website doesn't have any spelling mistakes.