
Saturday, 2 December 2017

Collecting your Byteball and Clams

Byteball was easy to download and figure out. It's a great app on your phone. the only problem for me is that my bitcoin is all spread out and I think supper secure, so its not easy to collect my bytballs. you want to have all your bitcoin in a just a few digital wallets to do it.
Clams clamed up my hard drive, I lost the shortcut after a crash, It wouldn't sinc, still haven't bothered to get it going yet. This is what it looks like. It's a core client re-skin.
I hope all the other bitcoin forks will be easier to get out otherwise I'm afraid we might end up autoholding because it takes to much effort and compromises too much security to cash out. I think that's bullish for bitcoin gold.

Governments of the Future - No More Oil Tycoons

Old wealth was traditionally last century controlled by the people who found oil. This century new wealth is with tech people. This is stepping up with people who found bitcoin, with people who can code computers and understand cryptocurrency. In a way, bitcoin and cryptocurrency is a continuation of the tech boom. The knowledge well and the wealth influence becoming more monetised. This is only the beginning and can bring a big cultural change in the world.

We should take some time to consider not only how bitcoin change the way this new wealth is stored, but the cultural impact on a society which could be ceding a significant amount of control to a new type of person. The young computer magicians rather than the landowners and frontier tycoons. Even though our countries are mostly democratic, wealth and tax collection have a big influence and this combination should have a large impact on the governments of the future.

As we have discussed briefly in previous posts, bitcoin cannot be taken by force. As first the difference here can seem subtle but it is important. Governments will have to collect tax from people who want to pay it rather than those who just feel implicated. They will not be able to easily force and confiscate payment so they will have to become more appealing. We will feel happy to provide funds for the common good.

I look forward to more solar panels and space travel, less pollution and war.

Tax Cuts and Escaping Government BS

Debt keeps rising whilst the US government debates tax cuts that might not even be tax cuts. Whatever it is all we can be sure of is that this bs will not be in our favour. If you use dollars you're supporting this ridiculous charade. And it's not just the US, it's happening all around the world, this fiat money is created unfairly out of nowhere.

But the good thing is we don't need to suffer this bs where banks and governments generate there own free money anymore. We have bitcoin. We have a choice. if you continue to use USD your value with the USD you are supporting Trump, the deep state, the military industrial complex, global warming, the wealth gap of the old financial system, you name it, pretty much anything bad. If you want to escape this all you need to do is choose to. Keep your value where it is respected. With the fiat debt clocks set start ticking at light speed who knows where the ceiling is.

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Etherium Proves the Best Brains are in Bitcoin

With Etherium's slow, delayed and unimpressive releases of upgrades, it's becoming clear that all the best minds are in bitcoin. Trace Mayer puts it well when talking about programmers, bitcoin is where the Isaac Newtons of today, the polymaths are practising. Bitcoin core currently has over 1000 contributors 15000 repositories and 758000 commits on GitHub. Etherium has only 11 contributors.

The Second Grand Bitcoin Boom and Peak Media Hype

The Bitcoin price is booming, but at the moment it seems like many people don't realise the impact of what is going on. The media haven't really picked up on how good this is for the many bitcoin holders. We have passed $8000 USD!

Lots of people are getting rich and escaping the constraints of the existing financial system. A new popular term "crypto wealthy" describes people who have made millions in crypto currency but continue to hold it, rather than sell for cash or waste it on sometimes pointless luxuries like lambos. Andrew Desates described how many people in these circles are deciding to do non-traditional things with their new found security, like spending time with family and deciding to work on projects for good which they believe in.

Prediction judging the top, corrections and pull backs are common but i have a feeling that this boom won't even have started to the fullest until bitcoin, the lifestyle and the mindset is flashing in our faces and across everyone's old fashion TV screens.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Bitcoin Peacecoin

Bitcoin doesn't fund war. I have not even heard of it being used for violence or cruelty in a single story. The supposed shady dark markets of early years seem distant and irrelevant especially in the context of celebrity scandals in politics and Hollywood like Harvey Weinstein storm and corporate corruption like JP Morgans new money laundering violation out of Switzerland.

Bitcoin seems more and more like a token of peace and a haven from all the toxic things in the world.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

WTF is OmiseGo? and Why ICO's are Trash

I was on the crypto market cap site the other day, as you do sometimes and noticed that it can sort by token. I'm not anti token or ICO. I've even raved about it before and created my own tokens on the bitcoin network, Zaks, Authenties, Jurassic Park Shares with coloured coins. I've mentioned these in previous blogs posts let me know if you want in. Still, the top name on the list was a bit of a mystery.

I had a look. Checked out the web page, ugly even if they do have good intentions. Checked out the spec's and turns out it's just a cryptocurrency!!WTF, do people not realise that bitcoin can do all the things Omisego is setting out to do. And without the second tier of security issues. What is the point? With a market cap of 761 million is higher than ZCash. this is just silly. ZCash probably actually has more than on javascript programmer involved.

Further to this the value of these tokens, of which the best biggest at least is virtually junk, is not included in the Etherium price. This means that Etherium and note there are also some tokens from Omni, Nxt and NEO on the list, have got $7.6 billion dollars worth of tokens relying on their network. Those token don't only rely on their master network for security but should their value collapse, the master network also has a lot of funds locked up in these ICO, should they come under financial pressure, these funds can be dumped into the market, dropping the value of the master networks currency.

I don't think Etherium will die, but I think the ICO bubble will lose its shine. Bitcoin ICO's are now more attractive given the falling transaction costs with segwit, sidechains, lightning and friendly forks. This combined with delayed hard fork upgrades for Etherium mean is not looking to flash at the moment.