There have been a few articles lately talking about how bitcoins hype might be diminishing. How could this be? I did some investigation and found that the opposite is true. Also somewhat unfortunately, ISIL is getting more attention than Jesus at the moment. What is bitcoins hype like? and how does that compare with the blockchain which we have been reading about so much lately? Some people have been saying that the sway of the blockchain, with its almost infinite uses, may be out weighing bitcoin in itself. Worthy of investigation I found that for this purpose I think Google trends is a reasonable authority. #bitcoin on Facebook simply resulted in a mile long role of coinable visa card shares and comments and one ridiculous video. Lined up on this chart are the first few things that came to mind.
Notice that at its peak bitcoin had hit residual coca-cola level. Something that is a good achievement, but then Why anyone would want to google Coca-cola? You can see that ISIL has by far out paced any other grab for attention. Unfortunately reckless violence does that, Getting people to search positive things is a more honourable chore.
The list of cities where bitcoin is searched most frequently looks like the making of hypsteropolis.
Bitcoin now, has a residual level of interest about equal to that of an olive. This is up significantly on last year and the years before. The blockchain is sitting at about one tenth of that, but on a steady rise.
I also wanted to compare bitcoin interest with gold. silver and veganism to see if there were any correlations. No hype connections here.
In conclusion bitcoin hype is alive and kicking. Previous spikes have been pretty significant, nearly hitting a curiosity level equal to that of coca colas background noise. There is definitely no down trend, however there is still a long way to go, with vegans and olives more inquirious. The hype cycle is clearly in its early stages, who knows where new surges will hit. These charts are a live feed.
#bitcoin #blockchain @googletrends
Notice that at its peak bitcoin had hit residual coca-cola level. Something that is a good achievement, but then Why anyone would want to google Coca-cola? You can see that ISIL has by far out paced any other grab for attention. Unfortunately reckless violence does that, Getting people to search positive things is a more honourable chore.
The list of cities where bitcoin is searched most frequently looks like the making of hypsteropolis.
Bitcoin now, has a residual level of interest about equal to that of an olive. This is up significantly on last year and the years before. The blockchain is sitting at about one tenth of that, but on a steady rise.
I also wanted to compare bitcoin interest with gold. silver and veganism to see if there were any correlations. No hype connections here.
In conclusion bitcoin hype is alive and kicking. Previous spikes have been pretty significant, nearly hitting a curiosity level equal to that of coca colas background noise. There is definitely no down trend, however there is still a long way to go, with vegans and olives more inquirious. The hype cycle is clearly in its early stages, who knows where new surges will hit. These charts are a live feed.
#bitcoin #blockchain @googletrends